On Authenticity, Rejection and Rising from Within

... when you build a platform (and life) on authenticity and heart-aligned living and the very essence of who you are is met with outright rejection, it stings... But pain can be a great teacher, if we'll open ourselves up to the lessons. 

On Service, Sacrifice, and Self

It is tempting to buy-into the notion that our purpose and calling is solely a product of our personal ambition. While our ambitions may well reflect our personal dreams and hopes for the future, often we discover that our true aim is found in service to others, rather than service solely to self. It's found [...]

Making Peace

Sometimes achieving peace without begins within. It begins with reconciling our heart with our head, facing head on those things we might rather avoid. It means taking a personal inventory of our behaviors and choices; making amends with those we have hurt or been hurt by. It means meeting others where they are and as [...]

Hiding in Plain Sight

I've always been fascinated by chameleons and their ability to adapt, blend-in, and hide in plain sight.  An instinctual response to their surroundings and the threat of attack, they are genetically wired for survival, though are not cognizant of their ever-changing colors. As humans, we too change colors, adapt, and blend-in.  Far too often, we [...]

The Charlotte Teen who Started the Foundation to Nurture the Leader in Every Girl (repost via @clttales)

“Although Foundation For Girls is work, it’s something I love to do. Helping these girls brings me so much happiness. When I go after school on Thursdays to volunteer with refugees at Ourbridge for Kids or on Saturday’s with the Homeless at The Relatives Crisis Center. I’m just filled with joy and always leave with a [...]

The Gift of the Struggle

Friday thoughts on my mind…

How have your struggles shaped and influenced your personal leadership journey? How might a perceived setback actually be a blessing in disguise?

Sharon E. Reed [Blog]

GiftAs we journey through life, sometimes we have to struggle to uncover the gifts along the way.

Sometimes we must step away from the known, the familiar and the comfortable, before we can finally make our way back home.

Sometimes we must face fear or the temptation to quit, that we might learn to overcome and persevere, and in doing so, develop the courage to live our convictions out loud.

Sometimes we need to be challenged to finally know our value, stretched to learn our limits, and tested to understand our strength.

Sometimes we must climb hills to develop endurance or visit the valley of tears to know true compassion, for how can we offer to others what we have never experienced for ourselves?

Sometimes we must endure the disrespect of others on our own journey towards self-respect, or have our egos shattered and dismantled before we can learn to…

View original post 191 more words

What Inspires Your Soul?

At a time of tremendous turmoil and upheaval; during times of uncertainty, crisis, and the threat of constant change, it can be tempting to be distracted by the noise; to allow ourselves to become consumed by anxiety, negativity, and fear. While we cannot ignore the realities of our world, where we choose to focus our energy and the way in which we move through these things is entirely within our control.

Walking the Heart Path

If life is a journey, I believe each of us must honor the sacred integrity of our own path. We must learn to lead from within, aligning our outer choices with our inner values, callings, and convictions. But how exactly? How, for example, do we discern and distinguish our own path from others'? How do [...]

Fractures and Fault Zones

The daughter of a geophysicist and a long-time Houston resident (which if you’re not familiar with the city, has a massive fault zone running through it), I’ve always been intrigued by fractures and fault zones; of the seismic shifts that can occur over time and why some foundations can withstand the shifts, perhaps even becoming [...]

Start With Where You Are

It is the eve of a new year -- a time to reflect on what has passed and to set our intentions for the year ahead. Often our resolutions are about doing something different from before, whether losing weight, changing jobs, or finally getting around to writing that book you're just sure will be a [...]

Creative Visualization

Recently I was feeling a bit silly and rather serious at the same time. Practicing a little creative visualization, I sheepishly snuck an advance reader copy of my upcoming book, Walking the Heart Path, into my local Barnes & Noble, found a few favorite authors' books for companions, placed my own on the shelf, took out my camera, [...]

The High Price of Fear

When we are stuck in reaction, we cannot thoughtfully act. When we are stuck in fear, we cannot love. When we are stuck in pain, we cannot forgive. When we are stuck in a mindset of righteous indig… Source: The High Price of Fear

The High Price of Fear

When we are stuck in reaction, we cannot thoughtfully act. When we are stuck in fear, we cannot love. When we are stuck in pain, we cannot forgive. When we are stuck in a mindset of righteous indignation, we can neither act with kindness nor compassion. And that hurts all of us.