Do You Have Enough?

If character is at the heart of effective leadership, do you have enough of what it takes to lead yourself and others?

If character is at the heart of effective leadership, do you have enough of what it takes to lead yourself and others — with courage, discipline, commitment, fortitude, integrity, humility, accountability, insight, resiliency and faith?

Do You Have Enough?


2 thoughts on “Do You Have Enough?

  1. As a leader and business mentor for many years , your message and choice of the qualities and attributes which a leader must have enough of … is true , thank you for not only choosing the right qualities and more importantly your clarity on what you see in each of the leadership qualities . Thank you again .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So often people subscribe to a (false) belief that ‘leadership’ is found in a title or by following some prescriptive formula, when in fact it’s about character development and the manner with which we lead ourselves and conduct our lives every day.

      Thank you for sharing your own thoughts and for taking time to leave a comment.



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