Leadership and the Humbled Heart












True humility in leadership inspires others to greatness…

As I reflect on these words, I am reminded of those I know who lead with love and a humbled heart; those leaders who create spaces for others to learn and  grow; who embody the knowledge that true humility in leadership is essential to building communities of trust, enabling others to shine.

What they share in common is the knowledge that leadership is a privilege, not an entitlement.  Never boastful or proud, they view leadership as stewardship, instead of an opportunity for self-promotion.  Each seasoned in their respective careers, they have been humbled by past struggles as much as exalted for accomplishment, and in the wake of both, have found their strength, calling, and their commitment to those goals and causes larger than themselves.

They exude a quiet confidence, leading with a degree of grace and humor that comes only from time and the gift of life experience itself.  Past defenses melted away, they are able to lead on purpose, with purpose, and a sense of passion that inspires.  Their work is not about them, but in growing others and achieving common goals, anchored by the belief that we all achieve more when we work together.

They are leaders — in our homes, in our communities, in our businesses, and in the world.  Seasoned by time and humbled in heart, they inspire others to greatness, not by what they have achieved, but through the essence of who they are.

Deeply grateful for those leaders in my life who inspire me every day, I’m curious…who inspires you and why?  What is your definition of humility in leadership?  How have past opportunities and challenges humbled you and shaped your perspective?  




4 thoughts on “Leadership and the Humbled Heart

  1. There are lots who inspire me. One way I’m inspired is by studying the Bible and heroes who were human, and strugggled just like me. Others include people like the late Zig Ziglar and popular blogger Michael Hyatt. I would also say Dan Miller of 48Days. Each challenge me in their own unique ways to utilize my talents and abilities to serve others.


  2. Great role models! Ah…the Bible heroes…yes…definitely inspiring models of courage, conviction, resiliency and commitment. And of course, the late Zig Ziglar’s positive outlook and enthusiasm is so contagious, one can’t help but be inspired. I, too, am also a fan of Michael Hyatt and Dan Miller.

    In recent years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some amazing leaders who’ve devoted their life and careers to public service and/or to projects with a public benefit — not for their own gain and self-promotion — but from an honest and earnest desire to serve a greater good, despite the challenges along the way. One of those leaders, a powerful force of nature in her own right, touched my heart deeply when I learned of some of the challenges she had to overcome in her own leadership journey and her unwavering commitment to her values along the way.

    Thanks for sharing the inspiration!


    1. I couldn’t agree with you more, Laura! I also believe that when leadership becomes more about promotion of self than serving others, leaders lose trust, respect, and the ability to influence lasting change.

      In your own post you raise the question of where you can find leadership books that address the subject of humility in leadership. If you haven’t already, check out some of Ken Blanchard’s books, esp. the book he co-authored on Servant Leadership.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!